Thursday, November 10, 2011

Phu Quoc: fishing

One of the people I met while in Phu Quoc island, was an oversea Vietnamese. He had arrived just an hour before meeting me, and he told me he was already bored. He had worked all his life, and he just could not lie under the sun and do nothing. He asked me what could I suggest him to do. I told him to go for a swim, relax on a bed and order a juice. He told me this did not looked very fun to him. He needed action, he told me. Someone suggested him to go on a fishing tour, he liked that. I did not meet him again. I do not know if he enjoyed his stay on the island in the end.

I guess everyone has its version of paradise, mine is very similar to what I found in Phu Quoc: nice people, perfect weather, warm crystal clear waters, very good food, splendorous landscapes, and many other things you will see on the following pages.

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